The Hal Junior series

by Spacejock Software
Runs on Windows XP or later, and on Linux & Mac (using mono)

yEdit2 is a dotnet app for Windows, but will also run on GNU/Linux and Mac OS X using Mono.

Download the latest zipped version of yEdit2 here: (Version, 603kb).

Download the latest BETA here: (Version, 603kb.)

These are the same downloads used on Windows.

Installation - Part 1

Make sure you've installed the Mono libraries on your system. To do this, enter

sudo apt-get install mono-complete mono-vbnc

(If that command isn't recognised, use sudo apt-get install mono-runtime mono-vbnc)

at the terminal prompt

On Fedora, use sudo dnf install mono-core mono-basic (Thanks Jeff!)

How to run yEdit2

To run yEdit2, open a terminal window, first make sure you're in the path containing 'yEdit2.exe':

cd ~/yEdit2/bin (Enter)

Then type:

mono ./yEdit2.exe (Enter)

You can also create a desktop shortcut/launcher using mono ~/yEdit2/bin/yEdit2.exe as the command line

Upgrading to a new version of yEdit2

To update to a new version of yEdit2, just download and unpack the latest zip file over your existing installation. The program can tell you when there's an updated version available, but it can't automatically install a new version - it has to be done manually, using the zip file.

yEdit2 is free to download and use ('freeware'), but it's not open source. The source code is not available.