A Riddle in Bronze


BookDB by Spacejock Software

Compatible with Windows 98 and newer.

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With BookDB2 you can enter all your books with author, category, publisher etc and print them out in a variety of formats. Why would you need such a thing? Well, if you're always going to book sales and buying bargains only to get home and find you've doubled up, take a printout with you! BookDB2 has a super-condensed print mode so you'll need a magnifying glass, but at least it'll save a tree or two.

BookDB2 also has lending library features. With them, you can add borrowers, loan out books, add multiple copies and so on.

A note about the next version I started work on BookDB3 a couple of years ago, but haven't had time to finish it off. I've uploaded an early test version which will import your BookDB2 data and allow you to test the new user interface and features, but development has pretty much stalled. (I only have so much time to work on my software.)
However, if enough people register BookDB I'll resume work and finish the updated version off. Therefore, if you're a regular user of BookDB2 I encourage you to register if possible.

You can also import your catalogue from LibraryThing, which gives you a local, searchable database of your books. Whilst logged in to your LT account, click More (previous known as the 'Tools' link) and then "Export as tab-delimited text". Save the XLS file to your computer and then use BookDB2's 'Import LibraryThing' to read all the data in.

Barcodes: You can use any barcode scanner with BookDB2 provided it sends the data as keypresses.

I've been asked several times how many books the program can hold. In theory, over two thousand million. (When I was a kid, a billion was a million million. That's inflation for you.) In practice, if depends on the speed of your computer. For example, I have a database of 2400 books and my Core 2 Duo E6700 displays the lists in a blink of the eye. To test larger databases I generated one with 30,000 books, 15,000 authors and 3,000 publishers. It was certainly useable, although there were short delays switching lists. At the end of the day, it's a trade off - if the average database was something that large I'd rewrite the program to make it more efficient on big files. Of course, then it would be less efficient for smaller ones, and as it's primarily a home & small library program I think the current method is best.

Attention: Le guide utlilisateur de BookDB2 en français (Merci à Bruno Dekeyser)

Also, A BookDB2 guide in Italian (with thanks to Raffaella)