The Hal Spacejock series

Free 'loaned items' tracking software
by Spacejock Software
Runs on all versions of Windows, 32- or 64- bit and Wine on Linux & Mac

AboutScreenshotsCurrent VersionDownloadyLend2

This software is free to download and use, and this page explains why.

Current version: 1.0.8

Updated on: Mar 05, 2010

Direct download: Update file (Download and run to update your copy of this program)

Change Log:

1.0.8 Recompiled with updates
1.0.7 Added Phone & Address to the loan details. You can now resize the main screen.
1.0.3 Easier to edit the text fields.
1.0.2 Minor update
1.0.0 First public release

Why is my software free?